Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why I don’t like Conversational Speech

          So the reason why I don’t like conversing, is I like being accurate. I like the sequential step-by-step explanation of a narrative.  So for example the other day when I told the store bagger when I got to the end of the line, “Thanks for bagging. For a second there I thought you looked like Marcos.” 
            If what I said were accurate it would be as follows, “About five minutes ago at the start of check-out line, I saw your beard, and for a second I thought you looked like Marcos.” 
The issue really is the word second.  My second when said was in the future.  But the second actually referenced was in the past.  AND THERE IS LITERALLY NO TIME TO CONVEY IT.  I would get flack for holding up the line. 
The other problem, I think this is a problem for women-- when mentioning any physical aspect to a person of the opposite gender you get misinterpreted as flirting.  No, I really just want you to understand me. 


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Lorrain Baines, _Back to The Future: Part 1_

Lorrain Baines in _Back to the Future: Part 1_ is not concerned much of her safety, a mix of innocent/bad risk teen behavior. During the scene when Lorrain is on a “date” with Marty she makes a reference to her mom’s liquor cabinet.  This gives a context to a believable back-story.

In the scene with car outside the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance when Biff comes it’s same consistency with lack of safety or awareness. 

She says, “Some one’s coming.”  to Marty as more of a happen stance, but a wiser more self- aware person would have opened the car door, bolted and hid. 

She needs to be there for the upcoming scene to see George McFly punch Biff.  She isn’t a mature woman who can save herself.  She needs to be saved in order to fall in love.  It’s a tired story line as far as love story plot is concerned.  I would strive to write a way where love could happen without a woman needing to be saved.