Thursday, October 22, 2015

Where Does This Come From?

         This post is in particular addressed to lady writers.  Lady Writers, When you tell someone you write, does anyone ever ask, do you write Romance? Where does this comes from? I don’t even know what Romance is these days.  The only thing I can think of is those Harlequin Romances which I don’t care for but are easy and fun to make fun of.  I don’t want to be type cast or associated with one genre.  Writers’ write when they have story to write.  In some settings it is hard to be not honest with people and equally hard to be honest with people.  There’s a bit of a romance with the two rodents in my novel, but I didn’t incorporate any sex scenes.  I’m either going to be loved or hated for saying that, needless to state, at my childcare job it was very difficult to be my writer self.        

Saturday, January 24, 2015

It is No Tragedy, a Short Lexicon Lesson

Everyday on the television news the news journalists use the word tragedy and they are killing the word.  In fact they use it so much I don’t really know what they mean by it.  A tragedy refers to a preventable event caused by hubris and or by fate as I learned though literature classes.  A news journalist does not know enough personal information about person’s life to know this. 
Even doesn't get to what is probably the newscaster’s definition of the word until the 5th and 6th entry. is written by word people though, so they understand these things.  I could never be a news journalist probably for this reason.  I’d prefer to say horrible ordeal.