Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poetry Submission Process

On July 3rd 2012 I submitted two poems to an online literary journal called Rose & Thorn.  On Monday September 17th 2012  I finally received the e-mail.  Was I accepted or not? There was excitement before I opened the e-mail, though, not too much.  Rejection is always possible, and I am reconciled to this fact.  Here is a quote from the e-mail, “Although it was not selected for publication, we wanted to let you know that your poem “The Walking Man and The Orange Hand” did make it to our final round of readings for its cleverness and wit.”  As far as rejection letters go it is nice to know where I stand, and this is ONE very nice rejection letter.  It makes me glad inside to know I have an audience to be more specific to make people see what I see.  

How is the submission process working for you whatever the literary form/genre etc?           

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Weather and Poetry

A few a weeks ago I was watching The Weather Channel and a meteorologist who was reporting on location personified a historical landmark in relation to how much weather it had seen.  This made me realize meteorologists would write some great poems. 
I did an Internet search, and this is what I found,

I clicked on Weather Poetry then chose poems from “The Breeze.”
I did not read all of them, but I really liked “The Adventures of Annie Mometer” by Lorena Pepper
It uses terminology related to the field while still keeping the rhythm of the “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”   I felt like I learned something after reading this poem.  I could imagine her out in the field doing her job.